Travertine natural stone tiles are extremely popular premium flooring materials for centuries as they're beautiful, timeless and durable. They're suitable for residential and commercial areas internally and externally as well.
Click on photos for finishes and dimensions!

________________________ Available in Filled & Honed finish. Size:610 x 610 x 15mm

_______________________ Available in 2 finishes Filled & Honed 406 x 610 x 12mm; 610 x 610 x 12mm Medium/Light, Filled & Honed 610 x 610 x 12mm

________________________ Available finishes and sizes: Filled & Honed 305 x 610 x 12mm; 457 x 457 x 12mm; 610 x 610 x 12mm Tumbled & Unfilled 406 x 406 x 12mm; 406 x 610 x 12mm; 610 x 610 x 12mm Unfilled & Honed 610 x 610 x 15mm French Pattern, Tumbled & Unfilled 12mm Bullnose and pavers available as well

------------------------------------ Available finishes and sizes Filled & Honed 305 x 610 x 12mm; 12mm French Pattern

_______________________ Available in Unfilled & Honed finish Size: 305 x 610;406 x 406;610 x 610

________________________ Available in Crosscut, Filled & Honed finish. Sizes: 305 x 610 x 15mm; 610 x 610 x 15mm

________________________ Available finishes and sizes: Veincut, Filled & Polished 305 x 305 x 15mm Veincut, Unfilled & Honed 300 x 600 x 15mm Veincut, Filled & Honed 400 x 800 x 13mm; 600 x 600 x 13mm

________________________ Available finishes and sizes: Veincut, Unfilled & Honed 300 x 300 x 12mm Unfilled & Honed 305 x 305 x 12mm; 457 x 457 x 10mm; 610 x 610 x 12mm Filled & Polished 305 x 610 x 12mm; 610 x 610 x 12mm Slabs available as well

_______________________ Available in Filled & Honed finish Sizes: 457 x 457 x 12mm and 12mm French Pattern

________________________ Tumbled & Unfilled 305 x 305 x 12mm; 305 x 610 x 12mm; 406 x 406 x 12mm; 406 x 610 x 12mm; 610 x 610 x 12mm Bullnose available as well

________________________ Veincut, Unfilled & Honed 600 x 600 x 13mm; 400 x 800 x 13mm Veincut, Filled & Honed 600 x 600 x 15mm; 400 x 800 x 15mm